The Hierarchy of Health – Part 4

October 16, 2018 by

In the last article, we looked at the first Proactive approach in the hierarchy of health – Protection. Instead of reacting to problems as they arise, in protection we proactively take steps to prevent problems in the future. The benefit to this approach is that we have fewer costly and inconvenient health crises AND generally our overall health (and perhaps other problems) will improve at the same time.

The limitations of protection are that it is impossible to prevent any and all potential problems from arising (if you want to make God laugh, tell him/her your plans!) and protection does nothing to take you to the next level of health and well-being (it just keeps you where you are).

This leads us to the final rung on the hierarchy of health – Optimization. Optimization is where the healthiest and most vital people spend the majority of their time, focus and energy.

In Optimization, the focus is not on fixing problems (reactive), or even on preventing future problems (protection). The focus of optimization is on increasing our level of health and becoming more resourceful over time. Instead of focusing on what we DON’T want (problems), we shift towards seeking what we DO want (health, energy, vitality, resilience, performance, etc.).

Why does the approach of Optimization produce the healthiest people on the planet? It does so because it is the only approach that has actual health as the outcome!

If you take a pill and your headache goes away, it does not mean you are healthier – in fact you are probably now a bit less healthy. If you correct a structural abnormality and your back pain goes away you are probably somewhat healthier, but for how long? Regular self care to prevent a relapse of pain or disease likely improves overall health levels, but if you are only focused on whether the problem comes back or not, how do you know?

Optimization has the goal of moving forward and getting better. A maestro doesn’t ask ‘how little do I have to practice in order to stay as good as I already am?’ A maestro asks, ‘how can I refine things so that I am a little better today than I was yesterday?’ I have a friend who is a retired concert musician and he told me that even as his physical skills have diminished with age, his discernment and enjoyment of the same music continues to improve.

People who approach health from the perspective of Optimization are maestros of their health. Success is based on vitality, high energy levels, clear headedness, mental and emotional fulfillment, physical and mental performance, the ability to learn and carry out new things, and having the energy and ability to contribute to others.

It is not that these individuals never have health problems that need to be treated in a reactive way (although they tend to happen much less in these folks). What you do see is that they learn from these crises and often come out the other side better. Optimizers also tend to miraculously get better as they age.


Many of you know that I receive the care I deliver at Nexus Chiropractic on a regular basis from my personal chiropractors in Gatineau. Even though my back hurts sometimes, I don’t go there to get my back pain fixed. I also don’t go there to prevent any future problems. I take the time out of my crazy schedule to make the 5-hour return trip because I literally see each entrainment as an opportunity to improve the efficiency of my nervous system and thereby increasing my level of health. That is what our Optimization programs at Nexus are designed to produce.


The next article will be the final installment in this series. We will summarize the Hierarchy of Health and give you some practical ways to evaluate what outcomes you desire for your health and determine what changes you can make to get there.


The 7 Habits of Healthy People – Habit 2

February 10, 2014 by

Begin with the End in Mind

In the last article applying Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to your health, we looked at how to apply Habit 1 – Being Proactive. Proactive people consistently look to add to their health as opposed to waiting for a crisis to look after themselves. As a result, they are not only healthier, more vital and have more energy, they typically face fewer costly health crises as well.

This week we continue our journey and will delve into Habit 2 – Beginning with the End in Mind. Habit 2 is about knowing where you are ultimately going in the short and long term, taking a BIG PICTURE view of your health, and asking yourself what is REALLY important when it comes to your health.

Being clear on what end you have in mind is important for several reasons. First, it will prevent you from going down avenues that either don’t help or actually hurt your big picture goals. Second, it will provide you with motivation and inspiration when challenged. Finally, it will serve as your guide when faced with choices about what to do or not to do.

Let’s say you want to lose some weight. Nothing wrong with that goal if it is important to you. A short-sighted approach would ask, ‘how much weight?’ If we begin with the end in mind, several other questions need to be asked.

“What is the purpose of losing the weight? Why do I want to lose it? What value will losing the weight provide me? Opportunities as a result? What other benefits will I get? How will the weight loss impact those I care about? Is this consistent with the Ultimate vision for my life?”

Do you see the difference? The first approach MAY produce a transient short term change that may or may not have an overall benefit to your health. The second approach is much more likely to succeed in both the short and long term and actually get you what you really want.

If we took the short sighted approach to losing weight, there are many ways we could go about it. For example, starting to use heroin could be an effective strategy for achieving your goal.

‘Ridiculous!’ you say? Absolutely, yet this is why it is important to begin with the end in mind. Along the same lines as heroin – but less ridiculous – doing a fad, crash diet, working out incessantly, taking a diet drug or herb or looking for any one of the many quick fixes out there can help you with the short-sighted objective without moving you towards what you really want.

If you begin with the end in mind you know WHY you want to lose weight. Perhaps it is to have the energy and vitality to achieve other goals. Maybe you want to look more attractive. Live longer and healthier so that you can play with your grandchildren and watch them grow up. Maybe you just want to be healthy enough to dance with your spouse.

You see, if you know WHY you want to lose weight, now it becomes much clearer HOW you will go about doing it. In any of the examples in the above paragraph, taking heroin (or following any of those options) is inconsistent with what you really want and are therefore really NOT options. Different focus, different destiny.

I invite you to all spend some time to look at your goals from the perspective of Beginning with The End in Mind and I will leave you with some homework before next week. Again, feel free to apply this to ALL areas of your life – not only your health.

While this may sound a bit morbid, the first part of your homework is to write your own eulogy. Imagine you are sitting at the back of the room at your own funeral. Write the script for what you would want your eulogy to say about you and your life. What will you be remembered for? What did you value? What did you contribute? Who did you inspire and how? Spend some time on this exercise.

Once your eulogy is complete, I would like you to write a personal mission statement in regards to your health. A short paragraph with 2 or 3 sentences is plenty. When it comes to your health, what are you about, what are you committed to and what are you creating. Make sure your mission is consistent with the life vision you created with your eulogy.


Please, do this homework and next week we will be ready to Put First Things First!


The Most Dangerous Idea in Healthcare

October 31, 2012 by

Ideas can be powerful things. Ideas often lead to actions that can either transform our lives in the most profound way, or if chosen poor can destroy what we most cherish. The key is to be consciously aware of what ideas are influencing our behaviours and decide if they are serving or harming us.

It is an interesting time in healthcare. I know a small group of people whose health is thriving in every possible way. They seem to get healthier every year in spite of their age. They receive great joy from feeling great and being productive. They are loving life!

Unfortunately, this is not the reality for most people. Most people have the experience of a sinking ship – their level of health and life enjoyment is declining and it is just a matter of slowing that decline as much as possible. Beneath this resignation of declining health is also frustration. Many of these people have done what they were told by the experts and this is what they are left with?

There are many, well documented lifestyle reasons for people’s failing health. Behind many of these behaviours is what I believe to be the most dangerous idea in health care. That idea is, “If I successfully treat my pain/symptoms/diseases I will be healthy.” That is it – one little idea.

What are the consequences of this idea that has become a belief for many? First, we have a multi-billion dollar ‘healthcare’ system that focuses almost solely on pain and disease treatment. Am I suggesting we stop treating pain and disease? Of course not, however it is important to understand that it will not make us healthy.

People have private ‘health insurance,’ that is based almost entirely on crisis intervention. A great example is chiropractic care. Most workplace insurance covers perhaps enough for some short-term crisis care. Regular visits to enhance over-all health? Sorry, out of luck. In my opinion this is not what insurance is for anyway. Your home insurance doesn’t pay for you to hire an interior designer, make your house more energy efficient or maintain a beautiful garden! Insurance is for crisis, not health.

Finally, the idea that treatment will make us healthy can have a detrimental impact on the choices we make. Unfortunately, humans respond more readily to the stick, not the carrot. We are much more motivated by pain than pleasure. If I believe that treatments will make me healthy, I am much less motivated to eat well, buy organic food and high quality supplements, purchase a gym membership or god forbid pay out of pocket for services such as regular chiropractic care that enhance health.

Do you see how a simple little idea can have such a profound impact? Treating life threatening and crippling diseases is a necessary thing at times. We are pretty good at it and should continue to strive to get better. It was natural for this to be the focus of health care when people only lived a few decades, hygiene was suspect, and many people died of acute infections. Today, it is no longer enough.

People want more than just survival. They want to live to be old and grey with vitality, enjoyment and still be able to contribute in the way they were destined. If the time comes when you need treatment, it will be there. In the meantime, focus your time and energy on enhancing your health. It is possible to have it all.




Our upcoming Fireside Chat with Dr. Gault, on Dec. 3rd is already full. We are compiling a wait list in case of cancellations and may add another evening if there is interest. See Adele or Cindy to be placed on the list.

Are You Winning the Game of Life – Final

August 21, 2012 by

Finding a Professional to Help You Win


This article brings us to the end of our 8 part series on winning the game called your life. Is there any other game more worth winning? Winning your own game will not only provide you with a healthy, vital, rich and fulfilling life, but also allow you to inspire and contribute to everyone around you. Yes, winning the game of your life helps others win theirs.

In previous articles we outlined the 6 keys to winning the game of life. We also identified the 6 traps that most people fall into, robbing them of the ability to win the game. Finally, we learned the solutions to winning the game. These are the secrets that the small minority of the population winning the game of life use to get amazing results in the same 24 hours and environment we all have.

While simple, the fact is that I know it can still seem a bit overwhelming. Where should I start? I already feel so stressed, how could I add even more to my plate? This is where seeking help in the form of a coach, doctor, or professional can be the difference between bitter defeat and massive, sustainable victory. In this article I will provide some guidance for finding the right person or people to help you on your journey.

In seeking a professional to work with, a great start is that they are either a doctor or have a professional certification. This is not to say someone outside of regulated professions cannot provide benefit – it is just a bit harder to know for sure. A doctorate degree indicates a level of commitment and decision making ability that is crucial.

To win the game of life as we have defined it, it is essential to find a professional who is focused on wellness as opposed to fixing problems and symptoms. Restoring you to where you were is no longer good enough so be sure to find someone who can help you reorganize to a new level. It is a great idea to ask a potential coach what their highest vision for the care they are providing you is. For more information on Reorganizational Practices visit

Next, look for a professional who uses technology that can track your progress by monitoring several body systems. The nervous system impacts all body systems and is therefore important to measure. Posture is perhaps our most important structure and should be monitored over time.

It is valuable to look for a professional who is current and up to date on the latest research and techniques. A high quality website can be an excellent indication of this. I also personally seek out coaches and practitioners who are the best in their specific fields and train closely with the developers of the techniques they practice.

To win the game of life, you need to find a doctor or practitioner who will work WITH you, not just ON you. It must be a collaboration based on your specific goals. They should provide lectures, workshops and educational materials to support you over time.

Because the solutions to winning the game of life are Awareness, Behaviour and Structure, make sure the doctor works with and measures all three. This is essential to achieving sustainable, long term results.

Finally, once a detailed intake and assessment is completed (to determine your goals and establish your current baseline), you should be presented with several options to ensure you are in control. The choices should include both short and long-term options as well as predetermined re-evaluation intervals.

I hope you have found this series of articles beneficial and you are now inspired to take responsibility for winning the game of life. Now more than ever our communities and society need people to step up and start winning. Do it for yourself, but also do it for your family and loved ones.

If you need some help feel free to contact me, or attend any of our free workshops designed to teach you how to win the game of your life.



« Any person who contributes to prosperity must prosper in turn. »
E. Nightingale



Are You Winning the Game of Life – Part 4

May 27, 2012 by

In the previous article, I introduced the traps that keep us from winning in our lives. It is these traps that prevent us from succeeding in the 6 keys required for a healthy life.  These traps are insidious because they are merely stories we tell ourselves that become justifications, excuses, and even reasons we defend while we go about living a less than optimal life.

Let’s look a little closer at these traps so we can be sure we recognize them immediately if they arise and choose a more successful path.

1. “I’m healthy…for my age.” This statement in and of itself is what I call a BS story! Many people think that at a certain age (40, 60, 65) they can expect their health to decline. This is simply NOT true and I can provide countless examples of people who actually get healthier as they age. Regardless of age, you are either vibrantly healthy or not. If your health is not ideal or you find your health declining, it means that something MUST change and it is your job to find out what it is and do it!

2. “No one has any time for leisure these days.” Guess what? More BS stories! I have 4 jobs, 2 small kids, an extremely busy professional wife, own my own business, travel around the world attending seminars and I MAKE plenty of time for exercise, leisure, vacations, and renewal. I understand that many people (especially moms) feel guilty or overindulgent if they take time for themselves. This way of thinking will only lead to one end…burnout…sooner or later. The reality is that taking time out to enjoy life will make you MORE productive in the long run. Please do not learn the importance of this the hard way.

3. “It’s normal to feel tired and unmotivated.” BS! It is true however that many of us have lost our passion for life. Do you even remember the passion you had as a child? If you are tired and unmotivated it means you are already burned out and something must change…NOW.

4. “Everyone fights with their families sometimes.” This one is absolutely true – but here is your gut-check. How connected are you really with your partner, kids, and closest friends? How open are your children and most trusted confidantes with you?

5. “All kids get sick – school is just a Petri dish of germs.” Sorry, more BS. Both of my kids have been in daycare and school for years and while they are a little sick from time to time – usually for a day or two – they have never taken an antibiotic or medication of any kind. Why? Because they are healthy. I do know that many kids are sick all the time. This is a sign that these children are not healthy and thriving – something is wrong. Kids are healthy and resilient by nature. If they are constantly sick it means damaging stress of some kind is accumulating.

6. “I don’t have time to worry about others.” Do I even need to say it? BS! Most of us think that we alone cannot make a difference – it is too hard and takes too much time. In reality, the quickest way to win the game of life is to help others more. All of the greatest rewards (of all types) in life go to those who help others the most. That is certainly true in my business. Make it a habit to contribute to others and watch all areas of your life start to improve immediately.


We all fall into these traps from time to time. The key is to be aware of them and get out as quickly as possible when you do. You definitely do not want to be “average,” or “normal,” when it comes to these traps.

The average Canadian starts to get sick before the age of 65 and takes a handful of pills each morning. They begin to reduce the activities they love before they even retire. They divorce once in their lives and their children no longer speak in a meaningful way to them anymore. At 84 they lay on their deathbed and wonder what happened.

Is this what you really want? Forget ordinary! Choose extraordinary – you deserve it and so do your loved ones.

Next article we move on to the Secrets of Winning the Game of Life.


Are You Winning the Game of Life – Part 3

May 15, 2012 by

In the last article, we looked at the first 4 Keys to Winning the Game of Life, and the reality behind each. This week, we will delve into the final 2 Keys and discuss the most common traps people fall into regarding their lives.

Key #5 – Raising Great and Thriving Kids. I’m sure some of you are saying, “but I don’t have kids?” This is important whether we have children and grandchildren or not. Having healthy and happy kids is one of the best indicators as to how we are doing as a society. Sick kids – sick society.

Like the reality of our previous Keys, time is a major factor in our children’s development. 70% of working parents report that they do not have enough time with their kids. As work demand increases, it is often the kids who lose out the most and unfortunately, the adults don’t always notice until something goes wrong.

The result? 3.2 million teens in Canada are at risk of developing depression and Canada’s youth suicide rate is 3rd highest in the industrialized world! Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in 15-24 year old Canadians. This is just sad.

Perhaps even more troubling, our kids are being affected by OUR stress before they are even born. Children whose pregnant mothers experienced a stressful event are 71% more likely to be hospitalized with a severe infectious disease. If the event was experienced 11 months PRIOR to conception, they still had a 42% increase in risk.

We also know that our high divorce rates affect our kids. Children of divorced families are more than twice as likely to suffer serious social, psychological, emotional or academic problem.


Key #6 – Contributing to Others. Research has shown that in order to be truly happy and fulfilled, we must feel that we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves. Winning the Game of Life certainly requires it.

Social activity that includes giving and helping others is a powerful tool in creating happiness. Is most of your energy used to only look after yourself and your needs, or nurturing others as well?

The scope of your contribution is unimportant – for some caring for one other person is enough. Others are driven by a more global vision.


The Traps!!! Most people are aware that the keys are important to them winning the game of life. Most are also aware of the areas that they have been lacking in regarding these keys. So, why don’t we change? There are common traps or stories that we learn to tell ourselves that keep us from ever stepping up into our best lives.

These traps all have a common thread and that is the fact that we think because our problems and shortcomings are so common that they must be normal. Nothing could be further from the truth! Average is not normal! You do not want to be average because average sucks – just look around!

Are you falling into one of the 6 common traps that are causing you to lose the game of life?

1. “I’m healthy for my age.”

2. “No one has any time for leisure these days.”

3. “It’s normal to feel tired and unmotivated.”

4. “Everyone fights with their families sometimes.”

5. “All kids get sick – school is just a petri dish of germs.”

6. “I don’t have time to worry about others.”

Do any of these sound familiar to you? If so, that is great because it means a change can be right around the corner. Next article we continue on our journey to Winning the Game of Life


Are You Winning The Game of Life? Part 1

April 22, 2012 by

Most people think that they go to see chiropractors (and many other health professionals) because of pain. In my experience this almost NEVER the case. After asking a couple of simple questions it becomes obvious that it is not the pain ITSELF that is the concern, but how that pain or symptom is – or may in the future – impact their lives.

Unfortunately, because people think that the pain is the actual problem, they will often undergo treatments that may be successful in relieving their symptoms, yet actually negatively impact their quality of life in the short or long-term.

This is evidenced by the high rates of death and injury caused by “healthcare” interventions that are overtaking the rates of almost all diseases! Beyond death and injury, this approach has left many individuals and families frustrated that their health has actually become their greatest obstacle to a fulfilling and joyous life.

So, the question I have for you is, “Are you winning the game of life?” This series of articles will help you to answer this question, learn to keys to winning the game, and give you some tools to make it happen.


There have been 6 Keys the winning the game of life identified. These keys are:

1. Living Old and Vibrantly Healthy

2. Being Able to Do What We Enjoy

3. Feeling Energized and Passionate

4. Nurturing Fulfilling Relationships

5. Raising Great, Thriving Kids

6. Live a Life Contributing To Others


Don’t all of those things sound great? Over the next several articles we will help you to make all 6 keys a reality. While very few people truly achieve a great life, some have and by observing and learning how they did it allows us the opportunity to do the same.


Key #1 – Living Old and Vibrantly Healthy. The great news is that we are living older. From 1960 to 2005 the Canadian life expectancy increased from 71 to 80 years. That was good enough to rank us 11th out of over 220 countries. The problem is that while we live longer, we do not live better. Our healthy years end before we turn 70! That means a person retiring at 65 can expect less than 5 years of healthy retirement. We all know that as health declines, so does our quality of life.

Consistent with this, we know that our elder’s health is on the decline. The average senior takes 2.9 prescription drugs each day and more than 20% take more than 5 daily. People over 75 take an average of 7.9 drugs per day!

In spite of all these drugs (or perhaps due to) chronic pain affects over 25% of Canadian seniors living at home. Half state the pain interferes with MOST of their activities. In institutions it is even worse: 40% have chronic pain with 64% stating it interferes with activities.

If you still have some years before becoming a senior and wonder how this has anything to do with you, the top 6 diagnoses in Canada mostly affect those UNDER 65. Hypertension, diabetes, depression, anxiety, respiratory trouble and high cholesterol are all seen mostly in non-seniors. As you probably know, these problems start before we get old and simply worsen with age.

While it sounds nice that we are living longer as a country, the reality is that our health and quality of life is declining.  This is clearly not winning the game of life.

The next article will continue with the keys to winning which will set the stage for the solutions to creating an outstanding life!



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