The happiest and most successful people in any walk of life have certain traits in common. One of those traits is that they constantly learn new things. They study, they read, they listen to audio programs, they take courses, they attend seminars and they seek out the best teachers in the world. These successful people understand that regardless of what they have achieved in the past, stagnation (maintenance) equals death. They know that you are either growing or dying. This goes for business, relationships, fitness and health.
Only 2 Paths to Happiness
As I have written about many times in the past, human needs psychology tells us that only 2 things will provide us with true happiness and fulfillment – growth and contribution to others. The more we grow, the more we are able to contribute. Unfortunately, the “North American dream,” our culture has sold most people does not include either of these. A life of study hard, get a good job, marry the right partner, buy a house and car, maybe have some kids, and then sit back and enjoy the next 50 years of your life simply doesn’t deliver as promised, does it?
New Dream?
What if the real “North American dream,” was to live a life of never-ending learning, adventure, refinement and sharing? Would this guide your actions differently?
Many of you know that I have always been relatively fit and athletic. A few years ago my fitness regimen looked essentially the same as it had when I was in high-school. Same workouts, worse results and zero motivation. I was merely going through the motions. Had this continued can you see where this would have ultimately taken me?
You Need Coaches to Succeed.
Even though I thought I knew a lot about fitness I decided that I needed coaches. Over the next 2 years two amazing trainers – Tom Irvine and Tyler Touchette – helped me to completely change my path. Today, I have discovered the sport of Olympic weightlifting (more on that in future post) that I am learning more about and improving in every day. I study it, learn it, and practice it.
Most importantly, I am excited about my fitness again, can’t wait to get into the gym, and am getting results that will serve me for a lifetime.
Start Here!
How can you apply this to your life? How can you not only find success, but be happy, fulfilled and excited while doing it? There are many ways, so I created a list to help you get started.
1. Decide what is really important in your life. What areas of your life deserve the commitment to never-ending learning and refinement? Make a list.
2. Take on a new project. I took on Olympic weightlifting in the area of fitness. Perhaps a new professional course or a family project.
3. Refine, refine, refine! I constantly refine my chiropractic skills at seminars and workshops. What keeps you up at night wanting to get better at?
4. Get a coach or mentor. I have health, chiropractic, business, and fitness coaches. Remember, the best athletes in the world still have coaches.
5. Only use the services of those who are constantly learning. You can only lead if you are learning and you should demand that of your leaders. Ask your doctor, financial planner, accountant, consultant, coach, trainer, teacher, barber, chef, shoe shine boy what they are doing to improve their services. This will create a new culture of growth in your life (and maybe theirs).
Play a Better Game
If the “North American dream,” isn’t working for you, choose a new dream. Play a new game. Choose happiness, success, fulfillment and growth. When the old dog learns new tricks, it doesn’t get old!
« Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will. »