Awareness Required

September 11, 2020 by

Getting better at anything requires an increase in awareness. The faster and more completely our awareness increases, the faster we will improve at whatever it is we wish to get better at.

     What does an increase in awareness mean? First, it requires that the SENSITIVITY of our perception is enhanced. We pick up greater subtleties with our senses.

     I was recently watching a Netflix series on some of the greatest BBQ pit masters in the world. Instead of using thermometers to know if the grill is the correct temperature, they simply place their hand on the grill and instantly know if and how many more coals must be added to the fire. This is subtle awareness.

     The second part of increasing awareness is being able to hold multiple perspectives. This means that we can be aware of more and more variables at the same time. This is essential in learning how to drive a car. At first we place all of our awareness on each piece of driving (gear, then clutch, then mirrors, then steering, etc) but after a bit of practice we can hold awareness of all of these perspectives at the same time (and be much safer and more effective at the same time). A NASCAR driver must be able to hold many MORE perspectives at once in order to succeed in a race.

     One of the key features that is distinct about the Neurospinal Optimization care we provide at Nexus Chiropractic is that we know that increasing awareness is absolutely required for long term success. In my opinion, awareness is a too often ignored piece in many forms of health care. In fact, many health care interventions actually look to DECREASE awareness, which over time, can be quite detrimental.

     When we intervene without increasing awareness – or worse, deadening awareness – we leave ourselves vulnerable to repeating the same problems over and over again.

     When we increase awareness, not only are we less likely to end up in the same predicaments, we will be more adaptable and have greater resourcefulness when problems do arise in the future.

     For those of you who have had care at Nexus, you know that we ask you lots of questions. All of these are designed to enhance awareness  What did you notice happening during the visit? What changed after? Did you feel what just happened? Are you aware of how your spinal structure just shifted? What do you think that pain/tension means? Is there a larger pattern involved in your condition? Did you feel how your breath got deeper and moved through your entire spine?

     We also give periodic questionnaires so that we can more specifically know if your awareness is matching up with clinical observations and if more or different coaching and cuing is required.

     The SomatoRespiratory Integration (SRI) exercises we teach are also designed to increase body awareness. First they improve our ability to notice more subtlety of breath, movement and energy. Next, they expand our awareness of multiple perspectives as we can pay attention to all of these factors (and more) at once.

     How can we start to increase the awareness of our bodies and health at home? I use this exercise with many of my patients and you can do it too.

     Use the moments of transition between pain and less/no pain, or feeling crappy and feeling good as an opportunity to develop more awareness.

     When you find yourself feeling bad, whatever that means for you in the moment (physically, mentally, emotionally), catch yourself and STOP.  Now notice as many things as you can about yourself in that moment of feeling bad.

     What is your posture like? Are you breathing shallow or deep? Is the breath in the nose, out the nose, or something else? How are you moving (slow or fast, smooth or rigid)? What have you been doing recently? What have you been eating and drinking? What is your emotional state? What have you been thinking about? What was your last thought before you noticed you felt ‘bad?’

     You get the idea. The point of this exercise is to notice as many subtleties as you can (be creative). Create the clearest and most detailed picture of what you feeling ‘bad’ looks like. I have found this exercise works best when you write it down.

     Now comes the fun part. When you notice that you feel better, good or even great, do the same exercise. Go through the exact same questions as above. Write them down.

     Once you have those two descriptions of you ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ you can use this new awareness to your advantage.

     If you find yourself feeling ‘bad’ and you want to feel ‘good,’ look at your contrasting lists. Change your posture to the one that is associated with ‘good.’ Shift your breath to the one that works best for you. Move your focus to something that energizes you instead of bringing you down. Perhaps you can exercise or move your body in a way that changes your entire experience.

     This is only the beginning of the process. As you apply this exercise more and more you will start to become UNCONSIOUSLY aware of when you start to move towards ‘bad’ and UNCONSIOUSLY start to shift back to ‘good’ automatically. This is when profound, long term results start to show up.

     Awareness is a powerful and necessary tool in creating long term health, and to achieve lasting results in any endeavour. Unfortunately it is rarely harnessed and often ignored.

     How and where can you seek out greater awareness in your life and health?

Thorin Gault, D.C.

Sept. 11, 2020

Holiday Thrival Guide

December 9, 2019 by

As the holiday season approaches, we have noticed two patterns emerge over the last 19 years of chiropractic practice. The first is that we see our highest rate of missed visits and people falling off from care as the perceived stress of the season builds through late November and into December. The second pattern is that we see more ‘emergencies’ with people in crisis during the month of December than at any other time of the year.

     It is not a coincidence that these two phenomenon happen together and it gives us some insight as to why so many people end up spending the holidays overwhelmed, sick, and in pain when it really should be one of the most cherished times of the year.

     So, how do you not only survive, but actually thrive this holiday season? There is a simple formula to help you to make it happen.

     The first step is to acknowledge and accept that there WILL be greater stresses on you. When I talk about stresses, I am referring to not only mental/emotional stress, but also chemical stress (food and drink), and physical stress (shoveling, lack of sleep).

     We know going in that we are going to have some late nights, eat some cookies, drink some bubbly and have to deal with dear aunt Sue’s passive aggressive insults. We know we will have the ‘normal’ time and money stress inherent of the season. Acknowledging this will allow us to create a plan to mitigate this stress. By doing this we can enjoy the fun without losing our health or our minds.

     The common denominator amongst these stresses is that they consume our energy and leave us depleted. If we become too depleted, we move into what is called an ‘energy poor’ state and that is when we get sick, have our back ‘go out,’ develop headaches and experience complete overwhelm.

     The solution to an energy poor state is very simple – add energy to the system! How do we do that? We do things to build up our energy reserves before we reach a crisis. Because we know that we are heading into a season of energy depleting stress, we can actually plan practices in advance that will keep us out of an energy poor state.

     Here are some ideas to build your energy reserves both leading up to and during the holidays.

     Knowing you will be eating some not-so-good for you food – make sure you continue to eat plenty of healthy food too. If you are going to eat those butter tarts, make sure you are loading up on high quality meats and produce as well. During the holidays I really focus on eating a healthy breakfast as a way to build up energy.

     Supplements can also be an advantage at this time of year. Vitamin D, high quality fish oil, magnesium, zinc, and a greens supplement are a great idea.

     Daily exercise is an excellent shield against stress. It is easy to fall out of a routine – especially while traveling – but it doesn’t take much to get massive benefit. Some push-ups, burpees, and air squats can get you what you need in less than 15 minutes. I keep a kettlebell in my car at all times!

Even a brisk walk (bonus points for getting fresh air) can keep you on the right track.

     Meditation or even just some quiet time set aside each day is crucial for dealing with the mental stress and chaos of the season.

     Those familiar with the Neurospinal Optimization care we provide at Nexus Chiropractic know that what we do works by allowing the nervous system (and thus the spine and body) to move from a fight or flight state to a normal relaxed state that is required for healing and restoration. Staying on track with your visits and at the very least doing your SRI exercises is a great weapon to have in your arsenal against the stress of the season.

     The take home message is to make sure you continue to do the things that fill up your fuel reserves so that you can get the absolute most out of what can be a magical time.

     Because we understand this, Nexus will have office hours over the holidays. We will be open on Monday the 23rd and 30th and then will be back to normal starting Thursday, Jan. 2nd.

Happy Holidays!

The Hierarchy of Health – Part 5 and Final

April 1, 2019 by

In this, the final installment of the Hierarchy of Health series, we will be reviewing each of the approaches. Each has their benefits, and each has their costs. In order to be satisfied with our health, it is imperative that we match our goals and values with the approach most likely to meet them.

The first approach is Symptom Treatment. Symptom Treatment is about getting rid of the superficial pain or secondary condition. Success is determined when we feel relief, or at least more comfortable.

The benefit of this approach is that it can buy us some time until we can get to true healing. If we break a bone, we know that the pain killer is not healing us – but provides some comfort while the healing work is done. Symptom treatment is also typically rapid and not time consuming (relief occurs quickly).

The cost of symptom treatment is that it does little to improve – and often impairs – overall health. A comfortable person taking Tylenol is not healthier than they were 20 minutes earlier when they had a headache – in fact one could argue they are now less aware and not as healthy. A lifetime of mere symptom treatment may lead to a significant decrease of health and serious health problems and disease.


The next approach in the Hierarchy of Health is Addressing the Cause. This goes deeper than symptom treatment. This approach understands that in the majority of cases, symptoms are secondary conditions with an underlying, primary cause and that just treating the secondary effects will do nothing to solve the real problem.

At Nexus Chiropractic, our Initial Phase of Care (IPC) is designed to address the primary problem of a spine and nervous system locked in an abnormal state.

Does this take longer to correct than just treating a symptom? Of course. The benefit is that the outcome is typically much more sustainable and even better, when you correct the underlying pattern, very often there are other ‘side effect’ benefits as well.


The third approach in the Hierarchy of Health is Protection. Protection is the first approach that is proactive, as opposed to reactive. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, you take steps on a regular basis to ensure you stay in good shape, much like most reasonable people have the oil changed in their car whether their engine light comes on or not.

While Protection does require regular care, it can go a long way towards preventing major crises that are very inconvenient and very expensive to address in terms of time, energy, lost opportunity, and money.


Our final approach that sits highest in the Hierarchy of Health is Optimization. This approach doesn’t react to problems, or even try to prevent them. The focus of Optimization is continued improvement.

A person utilizing this approach uses their experience to look for new and refined ways to be better tomorrow than they were today. These individuals are maestros of their health and lives.

The more advanced care we provide at Nexus is designed to deliver optimization by helping the nervous system to become ever more adaptable and highly organized.


Where do you spend most of your time on the hierarchy of health? Be honest.

Are you happy with the results you are getting with your currently approach? If yes, keep doing what you are doing.

Do you want more out of your health? Where will you be in 5, 10, 20 years if you keep going the same way? Start by moving up one rung on the Hierarchy of Health, commit to it, and observe what happens.

There is perhaps nothing more rewarding in my work than watching someone choose a higher path for their health and life. It is never too late to make that choice.


Thorin Gault, D.C.

April 1, 2019


Patch, Fix, Protect, or Optimize?

April 17, 2018 by

When it comes to health problems, we have 4 ways in which we can approach them. All four have their own benefits and are appropriate at different times. Which we choose for a given situation is not only important in having short term success, it is also paramount to achieving the health we want long term.

Let us take a look at each of Patch, Fix, Protect and Optimize.

     Patching is what we do when we know there is a larger problem, but we need to buy ourselves some time in the short term. Your old springs a leak and you know it will need to be replaced, but you need to finish watering the garden. So, you wrap some duct tape around the hole, so the flowers don’t die today.

The Patch strategy is a great one when we are in crisis and if something is not done immediately, disability and even death may result. If someone were shot with a bullet inside them, yes, the bullet will eventually need to come out. However, in the short term, compressing the wound with a bandage will keep them alive long enough to be properly fixed.

Antibiotics can be a great patch when faced with an infection that may kill you. They buy you the time (save your life) so that you can make changes that will strengthen your health and immune system in the future.

Patches can become a problem when they are used as fixes. Antibiotics used unnecessarily will harm your long-term health. Pain medication used simply to cover up a secondary condition(symptom) actually allow people to continue to damage their bodies without knowing it – leading to more serious problems down the road.

Most people truly only need patches (hopefully) a few times during their lives when in serious crisis. When we need them, they are wonderful. When we over use them, we suffer needlessly.


The Fix strategy is one that looks to get to the cause of the problem. It looks to correct the primary condition leading to the secondary effects. If faulty electrical was leading to burned out light bulbs and malfunctioning appliances the patch solution would be to replace them. The Fix solution would be to hire an electrician to correct the wiring.

When we Fix something we typically gain parallel benefits as well. Corrected wiring improves the function of EVERYTHING requiring electricity. Perhaps the electrical bill goes down as efficiency increases. Safety also improves as the chance of a devastating electrical fire decreases.

The Fix approach works the same way with our health. Taking a pain pill may make us feel better for awhile but correcting abnormal spine structure and nervous system function is not only more sustainable but leads to a myriad of health benefits besides.


The Protect strategy begins to move beyond being focused on problems or symptoms. Once we have corrected what was abnormal we have a choice to do some regular work to keep it that way. Protect recognizes that maintaining proper function is better than waiting for the next crisis. Once we get the old piano in tune, it is much less work more enjoyable to have it retuned on a regular schedule than to let it get back to it’s previous state and start over again.

A health crisis can be a time, energy and resource draining thing to face. They are certainly not convenient. Some attention to Protection is a great way to stay healthy long term and avoid future problems.


Finally, we come to the Optimization strategy. This is where exceptionally healthy people spend most of their energy and attention. Instead of focusing on patching, fixing and preventing problems, they look to optimize and improve their health, function and performance regardless of problems.

They know that the best way to be healthy is to continually improve their adaptability and efficiency. Does it mean they will never have a crisis or problems? Of course not, but they will sure be better equipped to handle them when they occur.


Unfortunately, most people spend most of their lives in Patch, and Fix modes when what they truly want are the benefits of Protect and Optimize. Fortunately, changing that only requires a few simple decisions.

At Nexus Chiropractic we are not interested in patching people up. Very few people entering our office truly need patching and if they do, a trip to the ER is probably in order.

We begin seeing most people from a Fix perspective, which is what we do during the Initial Phase of Care (IPC). By addressing abnormalities in the spine and nervous system (Neurospinal Shift) and objectively measuring those changes we know our patients are going back into life healthier.

Once the system is normalized, people may now choose to enter either a Protection or Optimization program. This is where we see people really create long term health strategies that spill over into not only physical benefits, but mental/emotional well-being, greater energy and vitality and an over all greater quality of life.


After reading this article, take some time to look at where you are perhaps frustrated with your health, or not getting the results you would like. Maybe a small shift in your approach is all you need to get what you want?


Thorin Gault, D.C.

April 17, 2018


How to Age Like a Fine Wine

September 26, 2017 by

I am at the point in my life where men my age start to experience the dreaded ‘mid-life crisis.’ While I have not run out and purchased a red sports car, I have noticed that what I value has changed.

The two material possessions I have been most excited about recently were a pair of Red Wing boots and a pair of selvedge blue jeans. Maybe not as cool as a Corvette, but better in my opinion.

What do these boots and jeans have in common – other than going great together? I chose both of these items because I knew they would get better with age and wear.

Did they cost more money initially than most of their competitors? Did they require a longer and less comfortable ‘breaking in’ period? Do they require more involved and time consuming care and maintenance? The answer to all of those questions is yes, and it is worth every penny and hour spent.

It is worth it because in the long run they will last longer, be of higher quality, and actually get BETTER with each year that passes.


I think we can apply the same concepts to our life and health. One of my pet peeves is listening to folks my age and older resigned to the fact that they are getting old and that their health and physical performance are – and will continue to – decline. One does not have to look too far to find evidence showing that this is ABSOLUTELY not inevitable.

Celebrities such as Laird Hamilton and his wife Gabby Reece are perfect examples of what is possible with the correct approach to life. I compete in Masters (old timers) weightlifting internationally, and there is no shortage of men and women who leave you inspired and in awe.

So, how do you do it? How do you age like a fine wine in such a way that you can’t wait to see what the product of the next year will be? Simply, treat yourself like a pair of Red Wing boots!

First, you must start out with great materials. With boots, that is simple – you just pay for the good stuff. For many people and their health and physical body, this can be a bit more of a challenge initially. Perhaps years of trauma, stress, bad habits and good old wear and tear have left you feeling broken down. That’s ok, things just need to be cleaned up a little.

Depending on how hard the past has been on you, a variable period of REALLY fixing your diet and lifestyle, smart exercise and balancing your structure and function is required.

In my Neurospinal Optimization chiropractic office I refer to this as Cleaning your Windshield. The structure and function of the spine and nervous system are abnormal enough that it is like driving a car with caked, muddy windshield – causing you to constantly bump into things and


create more damage. Before get to move you forward (aging like a fine wine), we must clean the windshield.

In my experience, the best way for most people to do this is under the supervision of a professional, whether it be a chiropractor, physical trainer, naturopath, nutritionist, psychotherapist, or a combination of several.

The next step is care and maintenance. Once the windshield is clean and the major damage is fixed, we can start moving forward, but the car must still be cared for and we need to make sure the mud on the windshield doesn’t cake up again. Cleaning my boots on a regular basis, rubbing them with hydrating cream and applying leather protector are essential. Would I do that with a cheap pair I was planning on replacing next season? Of course not. I want to pass these boots on to one of my sons, so I do the work!

At Nexus, most of our patients continue to see us periodically after their windshield is cleaned for this reason. They are less dependent on care at this point, but choose it stay on the right track an move smoothly down the road.

The final phase goes hand in hand with care and maintenance. That is Refinement and Optimization. In life we call this wisdom. Because the windshield is clear and the vehicle is well taken care of, we are now free to explore all of the amazing places in life. Even though we may not be able to run around expending energy non-stop like when we were 19 years old, we are actually getting healthier because we are more aware of what we need and wiser in all of our choices.

My boots are getting better over time because each wear is molding them to my feet and movements. Because they are of high quality material and I put the time and sweat into their care they are free to become wiser with wear and tear.

The most fulfilling part of my job is working with people on THIS path – and it doesn’t matter the actual age. I see eighty year olds getting more out of their life and health than ever and I see the same thing with some 20 year olds. It is never too early, and it is never too late to start aging like a fine wine.


Don’t Let Your Health Take a Holiday

November 27, 2015 by

Whether we like it or not, the holiday season has begun. The lights and trees are starting to go up and soon it will be time for parties, treats, libations and visiting with family.

As all of this fun is happening one of the biggest challenges many people face is that they tend to get sick and cannot fully enjoy all that the season has to offer. It is not a coincidence that flu/cold season tends to start now and I know that chiropractors also see more back and neck pain ‘emergencies’ at this time of year than any other.

When you combine more junk food (which starts with Halloween), a decrease in sun exposure and fresh air, staying out late, more alcohol than usual, and increased financial and family stress you have a recipe for failings in our health that often show up as illness and pain.

So, how do you enjoy the holidays and not end up out of commission? Can you indulge and still stay healthy? The answer is yes if you are smart about it.

The key to staying healthy over the holidays is to continue to do the good things while you indulge in the ‘treats.’ What that means is that while you indulge a little, be sure to continue to keep the habits that make you healthy all year round. Unfortunately many people let it all slide this time of year and end up paying for it.

So, if you know you are going to eat some junk, make sure you are loading up on fresh produce and high quality meat as well. Drink lots of water. If you know you will be out late, schedule some naps and a few quiet nights to minimize the effects. Don’t drop your exercise program. Schedule walks or mediation sessions to be sure your stress levels are handled.

Personally, as the holidays approach I pay even more attention to doing the good things so that I can have lots of fun, stay healthy and go into the new year floor running. Here are some of the steps I take.


Diet is crucial to staying healthy and while I am a self professed sugar addict and love baked goods, I make absolute certain I am eating lots of healthy food each day. Breakfast is a great way to start. I also make sure I load up on green veggies (as well as a green drink supplement) and meat at meal times.

While obviously it is better to get our nutrients from food, supplements really are essential to maximize our health – especially during the winter months. Everyone can benefit from high quality vitamin D, fish oil, and probiotic supplementation at this time of year. I also supplement vitamin C, magnesium and zinc and have seen wonderful results since doing so.

Physical exercise is a great way to stay healthy over the holidays, yet so many people let this slide. I use the extra time off of work to make sure I am physically active on a daily basis over the holidays (it is now a tradition in my house to do a squat session on Christmas day). It does not have to be complicated or elaborate, especially if you are travelling. Go for a hike, do some bodyweight exercises, visit a gym in the town you are in. It doesn’t matter, just move! It will keep you healthy.

Despite my Nordic appearance I really don’t like being outside in the cold and this is a challenge because fresh air is very important to our health. Shovel some snow, go skating, build a snow man, walk to the coffee shop. Get out and breathe the air.

Because it is impossible to eliminate or ‘fight’ stress at this time of year it is important to make sure the effects of that stress are not physically accumulating towards a crisis. I meditate daily which helps with this and my biggest weapon is the Neurospinal Optimization chiropractic care I receive for myself. I much prefer to stay on top of things instead of waiting until I have an emergency on my hands.


Start now to ensure you have a fun AND healthy and happy holiday season. Commit to the good so that you can indulge in some ‘bad.’

If you are looking for high quality supplements, Nexus Chiropractic does carry the fish oil and vitamin D that my family uses. Feel free to contact me to find out where I purchase the rest of the supplements I use.


Happy Holidays!


The ‘Forgotten’ System

March 24, 2015 by

Often, by the time I sit down to do a consultation with someone who is considering becoming a patient in my office, they have already sought out the care of multiple other doctors, therapists and health care providers. In most cases they have had some success, yet have not had the sustainable, long term results they desire.

Typically these patients have had their muscles addressed through some form of therapy, exercise and stretches. Many have had the alignment of their bones addressed with structural adjustments and posture exercises. Many others have also had guidance in regards to their nutrition.

All of these approaches can be excellent and in many cases need to be addressed to provide long term results with any symptom or secondary conditions such as pain and dysfunction.

Most of the people I see in my office have had a very important body system either passed over or completely ignored and that is why I refer to the NERVOUS SYSTEM as the forgotten body system.

Why is the nervous system so important? Essentially the TONE of the nervous system will determine the tone – and therefore function – of the tissues and organs of the body.

The messages travelling along the nerves determine the tension (or lack thereof) of the muscles. Let’s say you have a tight muscle. You can take a warm bath, get a massage or take a muscle relaxant to get some temporary relief. The fact of the matter is that if the nervous system continues to tell the muscle to be tight, nothing will produce a long term change in that  muscle until the nervous system is addressed.

If you had electricity surges causing the light bulbs in your home to burn out you can change all the bulbs you want, but the problem won’t truly be solved until the electrical system is repaired. It is the same with the nervous system.

How does the nervous system impact the structure or posture? Muscles move bones and therefore determine the position of the skeleton. What controls the muscles? NERVES! In our office we objectively measure and monitor our patient’s structure and it is amazing how consistently and how profoundly structure improves when the function of the nervous system is normalized.

At Nexus Chiropractic, we focus on what is called Neurospinal Optimization which aims to correct a primary condition called a Neurospinal Shift. There are added benefits to addressing the underlying shift in the nervous system when looking for relief in the common secondary conditions that people see chiropractors for, such as back and neck pain and headaches. In addition to setting the tone for the muscles and structure, the nervous system also contributes to the function of our internal organs and to the tone of our mental and emotional state.

So, while as chiropractors we do not treat organic diseases or act as psychotherapists, it is not uncommon for people to notice that they digest food better, have better energy levels, and handle mental and emotional stresses more effectively when their Neurospinal Shifts are normalized.

We live in a world where our nervous system is bombarded with stimuli that have the ability to create an unhealthy state with far ranging consequences in many areas of our health. There are many great interventions to address the effects of an abnormal nervous system. Don’t forget to get to the underlying cause and take care of the forgotten system.


The Year in Review and What is Next

January 6, 2015 by

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the Nexus Chiropractic family a Happy New Year! I would also like to thank everyone for spoiling us with the thoughtful gifts we received over the holiday.

2014 was an exciting year – we added some new technology, continued to refine our clinical expertise and were joined by a new RMT who has fit nicely with our specific approach to care.

In the past year Nexus invested in new equipment that allows us to more effectively assess, monitor and correct the Neurospinal Shifts that our care focuses on. This equipment allows us to more specifically pinpoint abnormalities in your physical structure that result from a Neuropspinal Shift. These abnormalities often occur way before any secondary conditions, symptoms or pain start to arise.

I have always been a huge proponent of continually refining clinical skills and learning from the best, and this past year I attended my 10th consecutive advanced technique seminar in NSA – the core discipline we use in our Neurospinal Optimization focus. Additionally, I continued to study and train with leaders in different fields to ensure you are receiving efficient and up to date care.

We were also joined this year by Jaime McRae, RMT. Jaime is a massage therapist who focuses on NeuroKinetic Therapy, which is a discipline that works very well with my approach to care. Instead of merely ‘attacking’ tight and sore muscles, she determines ‘why’ muscles are firing a certain way and her care focuses on getting to the underlying cause.

In 2014, Nexus Chiropractic also recommitted to helping patients, their families, and the community at large to help themselves through workshops. The people who take advantage of these events get some of the best results in their health that I have seen. We have a series of workshops held in the office at no charge (some open only to patients, some open to the public), I speak regularly for the Encore Seniors Group, and several times per year we hold intensive ‘Clear Days’ for patients and practice members who have already made progress in their care. Please take advantage of these valuable health resources.

Now, what is to come in 2015? First, we are working on implementing a new diagnostic technology that will allow us to measure and monitor a powerful indicator of nervous system function and overall health – stay tuned.

Next week I will be heading to Denver to attend a brand new program that is an extension of the NSA training I have been doing over the past 14 years. This will be a more advanced application towards the achieving the objectives of our care at Nexus. In case you can’t tell, I am pretty excited about this!

We already have several workshops and events lined up for early 2015. Tonight (Jan. 6) will be the first of many Introductory Workshops. Even if you have attended in the past, the information presented evolves, so feel free to attend again. Also in January will be The Best Year of Your Life workshop, which will teach how to have…….! Our next Clear Morning will be on Saturday, Jan. 31st. This will fill fast so please speak to Cindy or Adele if you would like to attend. I will also be speaking to the Encore Seniors group with my friend Tyler Touchette in March. Encore is a great organization, so if you are over 50 I encourage you to check out their programs.


I want to thank you all for being a part of Nexus and being a part of my life. As I approach my 15 year anniversary of graduating from chiropractic school I am very grateful for having the opportunity to work with such great people and help them to produce such extraordinary results. Here is to another great year for us all!

Addressing Primary Conditions…

November 11, 2014 by

…and Why it is a Good Idea.

In my last article we looked at the pitfalls of focusing too heavily on treating secondary health conditions (or symptoms). This is the approach of most people, and while it can be very effective in the short term it inevitably leads to long term pain, suffering and frustration.

This article will focus on what happens when we address what is primary to the symptom and how this approach leads to sustainable, long term results and even provides a path to improvement and growth over time.


Imagine a teenage child is struggling in school. They are failing and it is painful to them and those who care about them. If things don’t change they are going to lose the credit and there will be real, undesirable consequences.

Let’s say this teenager is your child. What would you do?

You have some choices. You could go and speak to the teacher and if you were either charming or forceful enough you could have the grade changed to a pass. You could complete the rest of your child’s assignments to get them the credit. You could even turn a blind eye as they conspire to cheat on their next examination.

On the other hand, you could sit down with your child and recognize that whatever they have been doing (regardless of intent) just isn’t working. From that recognition you could strategize and come up with a new plan. Different study habits, getting more sleep, perhaps a tutor, a family field trip to understand the topic in a deeper way. The possibilities are endless.

Can you see how different choices in this case will lead down very different paths? Can you see how the first path leads down a very slippery slope that will likely result in some serious long term pain? The second path, while requiring a bit more work initially, has the potential to create long term success for that child actually as a RESULT of today’s challenge?

The first path is based on chasing secondary conditions or symptoms. The second, on addressing what is underlying the secondary pain.


Almost everyone recognizes the wisdom of this concept when it comes to school, finances and even relationships – if you don’t address the underlying cause you are setting yourself up for future pain.

Perhaps the most difficult area of our lives to apply this is in our health – yet it is likely the most important place to do so.

It seems so easy to just cover up our health challenges as the solutions are typically readily available to us and quite convenient. What we need to remember are the benefits we actually gain by taking the time and energy to address the primary condition behind our challenges.

When we address what is primary, some new results happen. First we get long-term sustainable results as opposed to the typical fleeting changes that frustrate people so much. Cheating on one test won’t help you on the next one.

In addition, when the underlying problem is addressed quite often we see that other secondary conditions either improve or go away all together. New study habits improve all subjects just like a normalized spine and nervous system improve a variety of functions.

Finally, taking care of the primary condition creates opportunities for the future. Never getting to the root of a problem means you will never develop past that problem. You are a slave to it. Taking care of business allows you to evolve to the next level, and the next and the next. Most people don’t even know that is possible. It is.


At Nexus Chiropractic we focus on addressing a primary condition called a Neurospinal Shift that often underlies secondary conditions such as back and neck pain, headaches, low energy, restlessness and a variety of others. Neurospinal Shift also stunts learning, growth and development.


‘Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.’

–       William Arthur Ward.


The 7 Habits of Healthy People – Habit 3 Continued

April 2, 2014 by

Put First Things First

In the last article we took a peak at the 3rd Habit of Healthy People, by describing the 4 Quadrants of time – or life – management. We also learned that the most effective (healthy) people in any endeavor spend most of their time, energy, and focus on Quadrant II activities. Quadrant II activities are those that are important to reaching our desired goals, yet are not urgent.

When we spend most of our time in Quadrant II, we are both highly effective and protect ourselves from most crises (Quadrant I activities). When it comes to our health, most people spend much of their time doing unimportant or even harmful things and then end up dealing with one crisis after another. The healthiest people in the world focus most of their effort doing health building activities such as exercising, eating well, getting fresh air and using services such as Neurospinal Optimization chiropractic on a regular, preventative or protective basis.

In this article we will stick with Habit 3 and learn how to be sure that we effectively plan those Quadrant II activities in order to be as healthy as possible. Again, these strategies do not only work for health and while health is the focus of this series, please feel free to apply this to every area of your life.

The best way to organize your life is around the roles you play on a weekly basis. We all have several roles that require weekly – if not daily – attention. Since Canadians claim that health is one of their top priorities, I am assuming that Health should be one of those roles.

Make a list of the roles you must address on a weekly basis. Some will be personal and some will be professional. Most people will have somewhere between 5 and 9 roles. Some of my examples are: Personal Health, Family Man/Woman, Competitive Weightlifter, Nexus manager, Nexus chiropractor, Personal Development.

Once you have defined your roles, write down some long term goals for each. What RESULTS do you want to see in 3 months, 1 year, 10 years? This will start to give you an idea as to what direction you are headed.

Now comes the most important part. Each week, for each role write down goals for the coming 7 days. When it comes to Health it may be as simple as eliminating gluten from your diet and working out 4 times for 30 minutes. For family it may be planning a great birthday party for your child. Remember to keep it RESULTS oriented.

Once you have a list of goals for each role, start plugging activities into your weekly schedule book. Be aware of how many activities and how much time is being spent in each quadrant and refine as you see fit. If at first you have quite a bit of crisis, that is ok as long as you are making progress towards QII.

To make your job easier, I highly recommend having a planner or schedule where you can see the entire week in one view. There is a blank sample in Stephen R. Covey’s book and you can also order planners from Franklin-Covey’s website.

I also recommend setting time aside when you will do your planning for the upcoming week. Either Fridays before you leave work, or Sunday afternoons seem to works best for most.

Please take some time to do this life-changing homework. Our next article will move from focusing just on ourselves to including others in our plans to become even more effective and healthy.


Don’t forget that Clear Day is coming up April 12! Still some room if you would like to attend.


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