June 1, 2021 by

As I do each weekend I was spending some time reviewing last week and looking forward and planning for the week ahead.

As a part of the process, I was digging deeper into the frustration and anger I have been feeling about the restrictions we have all been living under for the past 14+ months.

When I asked myself what I wanted, the answer was clear. I wanted to go back to NORMAL.

As I looked closer at what I wanted and my story surrounding the circumstance, I came to an embarrassing yet extremely valuable revelation.



I realized that if we went back to NORMAL (whatever that means) tomorrow, I would be in big trouble.

I have an entire years worth of patients at Nexus who only know how our office runs with Covid restrictions. If we went back to NORMAL tomorrow it would be pure confusion and chaos.

When it comes to my family’s weekly schedule, I have admittedly become kind of soft. If we suddenly had all of our athletic and social activities restored we would definitely go through a period of massive overwhelm.

Just like during NORMAL times, we have all fallen into new patterns that are sometimes hard to break out of.

So, what CAN we do?

The fact is that we don’t really know exactly what NORMAL is going to look like or when it is going to arrive.

Some people are going to come out of this mess better than they ever were. Some people are going to be absolutely buried (mental health experts are predicting the worst of the mental health crisis will come WHEN we go back to normal – not before).

How can you make sure you are on the right side of this equation?

You must start preparing for NORMAL.

If you can hit the ground running you will provide yourself with the best chance to create results that will be better than anything before Covid.

In addition – and probably more importantly – you can act as a leader that pulls your family and community up with you towards a better future. We need as many of these people as we can get.

A crisis provides a bifurcation point – we can rise or we can fall. Both as and as a INDIVIDUALS and as a SOCIETY.

What must you start doing NOW to be prepared for normal?

What discipline must you build? What skills must you learn and enhance? What actions must you take NOW? What conditions must you create in your home, relationships, business, job?

If you wait until NORMAL comes to you, it may be too late

.If you create the conditions for NORMAL before it arrives, perhaps that NORMAL will be vastly improved over the OLD normal.

Consider this a wake up call.

For those of you connected to NEXUS CHIROPRACTIC, be on the lookout for articles and resources that will be preparing us all for the return to NORMAL.

Some of it will be reintroducing you to the OLD normal and some of it will enhancements that will help us all create better lives, a better community and a better world moving forward.

We are grateful to be on this journey with you.

Neurospinal Optimization

May 27, 2013 by

Anyone who has visited our chiropractic office knows that we do things a bit differently than your ‘average,’ or ‘traditional’ chiropractor. We take pride in this and are dedicated to continually learning and refining the care we deliver. The next series of articles will highlight and explain what our office focuses on and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have.

Most chiropractors are of the traditional variety. Traditional chiropractors typically have the goals of decreasing muscle spasm, increasing range of motion, and reducing pain. These are worthy goals and most of the doctors I know do a great job of this.

At Nexus/Gault Family Chiropractic we focus on Neurospinal Optimization by utilizing gentle chiropractic entrainments, teaching you specific exercises and perhaps making some lifestyle recommendations in an effort to improve a condition called Neural Resistance.

We are all familiar with normal body temperature: 37 degrees Celsius. How do we know when someone has abnormal eyesight? How about an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure? How do we know if the air pressure in our tires is too low? The only way to appreciate abnormal is to know normal.

When it comes to normal, we are not expecting anyone to be perfect. However, if your head displaced beyond what is acceptable and your muscles are locked with a significant amount of abnormal tension, this is an indication of Neural Resistance. This is no different than the strings of a guitar being too tight or the amount of electricity running through the wires of your home being even a bit too high. Because the amount of resistance in your nervous system is too high, extra stress is placed on the muscles which then pulls the spine out of its normal alignment thereby placing abnormal stress on the tendons, bones, ligaments and discs.

What would happen if there was too much electrical current running through the wires of your home? Would it be reasonable to suggest that you lights would burn out more quickly? Would you expect your appliances to not work as well? Do you think that over time you may actually have to replace faulty major appliances as a result of this abnormal electrical current?

As you probably guessed, the problem is abnormal resistance, but in this case in the wiring of your home. Traditional doctors, regardless of what area of healthcare they are in, typically look at managing Secondary Conditions rather than focusing on the underlying cause. The traditional doctor will replace the burnt out light bulbs and repair your refrigerator. Will any of that correct the problem?

What would you do first if this were your home? Of course, you would get out of that house for a short time and hire an electrician who focuses on wiring take care of the problem. After that, and a little work on the secondary effects from the abnormal resistance you’re good to go.


The next article will look at some of the secondary conditions, or symptoms that may result from the presence of Neural Resistance.

Are You Winning the Game of Life – Part 4

May 27, 2012 by

In the previous article, I introduced the traps that keep us from winning in our lives. It is these traps that prevent us from succeeding in the 6 keys required for a healthy life.  These traps are insidious because they are merely stories we tell ourselves that become justifications, excuses, and even reasons we defend while we go about living a less than optimal life.

Let’s look a little closer at these traps so we can be sure we recognize them immediately if they arise and choose a more successful path.

1. “I’m healthy…for my age.” This statement in and of itself is what I call a BS story! Many people think that at a certain age (40, 60, 65) they can expect their health to decline. This is simply NOT true and I can provide countless examples of people who actually get healthier as they age. Regardless of age, you are either vibrantly healthy or not. If your health is not ideal or you find your health declining, it means that something MUST change and it is your job to find out what it is and do it!

2. “No one has any time for leisure these days.” Guess what? More BS stories! I have 4 jobs, 2 small kids, an extremely busy professional wife, own my own business, travel around the world attending seminars and I MAKE plenty of time for exercise, leisure, vacations, and renewal. I understand that many people (especially moms) feel guilty or overindulgent if they take time for themselves. This way of thinking will only lead to one end…burnout…sooner or later. The reality is that taking time out to enjoy life will make you MORE productive in the long run. Please do not learn the importance of this the hard way.

3. “It’s normal to feel tired and unmotivated.” BS! It is true however that many of us have lost our passion for life. Do you even remember the passion you had as a child? If you are tired and unmotivated it means you are already burned out and something must change…NOW.

4. “Everyone fights with their families sometimes.” This one is absolutely true – but here is your gut-check. How connected are you really with your partner, kids, and closest friends? How open are your children and most trusted confidantes with you?

5. “All kids get sick – school is just a Petri dish of germs.” Sorry, more BS. Both of my kids have been in daycare and school for years and while they are a little sick from time to time – usually for a day or two – they have never taken an antibiotic or medication of any kind. Why? Because they are healthy. I do know that many kids are sick all the time. This is a sign that these children are not healthy and thriving – something is wrong. Kids are healthy and resilient by nature. If they are constantly sick it means damaging stress of some kind is accumulating.

6. “I don’t have time to worry about others.” Do I even need to say it? BS! Most of us think that we alone cannot make a difference – it is too hard and takes too much time. In reality, the quickest way to win the game of life is to help others more. All of the greatest rewards (of all types) in life go to those who help others the most. That is certainly true in my business. Make it a habit to contribute to others and watch all areas of your life start to improve immediately.


We all fall into these traps from time to time. The key is to be aware of them and get out as quickly as possible when you do. You definitely do not want to be “average,” or “normal,” when it comes to these traps.

The average Canadian starts to get sick before the age of 65 and takes a handful of pills each morning. They begin to reduce the activities they love before they even retire. They divorce once in their lives and their children no longer speak in a meaningful way to them anymore. At 84 they lay on their deathbed and wonder what happened.

Is this what you really want? Forget ordinary! Choose extraordinary – you deserve it and so do your loved ones.

Next article we move on to the Secrets of Winning the Game of Life.


Are You Winning the Game of Life – Part 3

May 15, 2012 by

In the last article, we looked at the first 4 Keys to Winning the Game of Life, and the reality behind each. This week, we will delve into the final 2 Keys and discuss the most common traps people fall into regarding their lives.

Key #5 – Raising Great and Thriving Kids. I’m sure some of you are saying, “but I don’t have kids?” This is important whether we have children and grandchildren or not. Having healthy and happy kids is one of the best indicators as to how we are doing as a society. Sick kids – sick society.

Like the reality of our previous Keys, time is a major factor in our children’s development. 70% of working parents report that they do not have enough time with their kids. As work demand increases, it is often the kids who lose out the most and unfortunately, the adults don’t always notice until something goes wrong.

The result? 3.2 million teens in Canada are at risk of developing depression and Canada’s youth suicide rate is 3rd highest in the industrialized world! Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in 15-24 year old Canadians. This is just sad.

Perhaps even more troubling, our kids are being affected by OUR stress before they are even born. Children whose pregnant mothers experienced a stressful event are 71% more likely to be hospitalized with a severe infectious disease. If the event was experienced 11 months PRIOR to conception, they still had a 42% increase in risk.

We also know that our high divorce rates affect our kids. Children of divorced families are more than twice as likely to suffer serious social, psychological, emotional or academic problem.


Key #6 – Contributing to Others. Research has shown that in order to be truly happy and fulfilled, we must feel that we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves. Winning the Game of Life certainly requires it.

Social activity that includes giving and helping others is a powerful tool in creating happiness. Is most of your energy used to only look after yourself and your needs, or nurturing others as well?

The scope of your contribution is unimportant – for some caring for one other person is enough. Others are driven by a more global vision.


The Traps!!! Most people are aware that the keys are important to them winning the game of life. Most are also aware of the areas that they have been lacking in regarding these keys. So, why don’t we change? There are common traps or stories that we learn to tell ourselves that keep us from ever stepping up into our best lives.

These traps all have a common thread and that is the fact that we think because our problems and shortcomings are so common that they must be normal. Nothing could be further from the truth! Average is not normal! You do not want to be average because average sucks – just look around!

Are you falling into one of the 6 common traps that are causing you to lose the game of life?

1. “I’m healthy for my age.”

2. “No one has any time for leisure these days.”

3. “It’s normal to feel tired and unmotivated.”

4. “Everyone fights with their families sometimes.”

5. “All kids get sick – school is just a petri dish of germs.”

6. “I don’t have time to worry about others.”

Do any of these sound familiar to you? If so, that is great because it means a change can be right around the corner. Next article we continue on our journey to Winning the Game of Life


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