You Can’t be ‘Fixed’

September 7, 2012 by

Why do you spend so much time, energy, money, worry and focus on being ‘fixed?’ Nothing can fix you.  NOTHING can fix you!

Nothing is going to make everything okay. The pain going away is not going to make everything okay. Losing the weight is not going to make everything okay. Falling in love with Mr./Mrs. Right is not going to make everything okay. Getting the dream job is not going to make everything okay. The wonder drug and miracle surgery are not going to make everything okay. Having 6-pack abs is not going to make everything okay. The latest technology, new fad treatment, and expert doctor are not going to make everything okay. Money, the nice car and dream home certainly will not make everything okay.

The reason you can’t be fixed is that you are NOT broken. What if the illusion that you are broken is what is driving your obsession with being fixed? What if this is your primary source of suffering?

Everything is already okay. Stop trying to ‘get fixed.’ Focus on what you want in your life. Focus on what is great, beautiful, abundant and loving already and I promise you will have even more of it. Life will become simple, fulfilling, empowering.


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