What To Know Before My Exam

Everything you need to know will be covered either in our complimentary consultation, or during the Introductory Presentation that is given monthly to provide information regarding our office, help you take great care of your spine and nervous system outside of our office, and answer any questions you may have.

Following either of the above options, you may choose to schedule a Neurospinal Examination that can take place immediately after the complimentary consultation, or at a later date.

Our Neurospinal Examination is a comprehensive one, and requires 45-60 minutes to complete.

The purpose of the examination is to determine the presence and severity of Neurospinal Shifts and how they may be impacting your health.

The examination will include:

  • Digital Structural Analysis
  • Computerized Thermographic Scan
  • Computerized Neuromotor Scan
  • Neurospinal Sub-System Parameter Analysis

After the examination, a follow up conference will be scheduled for Dr. Gault to discuss the presence and nature of your Neurospinal Shifts and provide specific recommendations and options for care. Immediately after this conference you will be receiving your first Neurospinal Optimization session.

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