New Focus, New Results

March 23, 2020 by

Yesterday, we talked about how when a state of fear becomes locked in, it has a laundry list of negative effects on our body, mind and spirit. We also gave you a couple of quick ways to break that pattern.

Today, let’s go a bit deeper. Because our mindset and emotional state have a massive impact on our health, we have the opportunity during this crisis to actually train ourselves to focus differently.

When our routines are shaken up (in my case pretty significantly) we can choose to curse the circumstance (which I HAVE done) or take the opportunity to notice what it is we have taken for granted and maybe not appreciated as much as we should.

APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE produce a much healthier state in our bodies than FRUSTRATION, ANGER and FEAR. Healthier structures, healthier nervous system, healthier biochemistry.

2 more exercises:

1. Notice what you DO have right now that you are especially grateful for BECAUSE of the current situation. Make a list. I am personally especially grateful to have our dog to play with, my home gym to train in, the last 2 steaks I found in my chest freezer and the extra time I have to practice playing guitar. That is just off the top of my head. Keep adding to your list over the upcoming days.

2. Notice what you currently DON’T have that you appreciate more because you don’t have access to it and you were certainly enjoy more when you have it back. Again, make a list that you can continue to grow.

Believe it or not, I am really going to appreciate SHOPPING when this is over, because right now I don’t have the freedom to do that. I am going to appreciate my gyms more than ever. I certainly will have an even greater appreciation for freedom to do the work that I do and help the people I see in my office everyday.

The key take home here is that while we may not control our current circumstance, we DO have control over our state and our focus. Exercise these muscles now and not only will it improve your health now, you will have built powerful strategies you will take forward in life.

Talk soon!

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

March 22, 2020 by

Hi Everyone, I have been sharing tips and insights to help everyone through this crisis via our email list and Facebook group (Nexus Chiropractic). While those are the best places to our up to date posts I thought I would share them here just in case we were missing anyone.

I will add a couple per day so if you are coming in late just look back at the previous blog posts to get caught up.

Keep well, everyone!

Ok, here is the first post to help you all navigate the circumstance we all find ourselves in.

What I want to talk about today is FEAR. There is a lot of that kicking around presently. There is absolutely nothing wrong with FEAR – it serves a very important purpose in our survival. It keeps us safe by giving us the energy to take action when our lives are in imminent danger.

There is a lot we could be afraid of right now. The virus, our health, the health of our loved ones. Our finances, our jobs, our kids sports. Uncertainty does breed fear and I share several of these fears with you.

The problems with fear arise when we remain suspended and stuck in a state of fear, even when the immediate danger has passed.

The state of suspended fear negatively impacts us in a myriad of ways. Physically, our nervous system stays locked in a sympathetic state (fight or flight). This state is not designed for prolonged use. Staying there is like revving you car’s engine at 40,000 rpm while sitting in your driveway. You simply cannot do it forever without damage expected.

Our body and spinal structure is altered and becomes rigid while we are in fear. What does a scared dog look like? Our muscles stay tense. Our heart rate and blood pressure are higher. Our digestion is impacted. After awhile our immune system function decreases. Not good, especially when facing a crisis of health.

Suspended fear also inhibits our ability to make good decisions, especially those with long term consequences. In a crisis, sound decision making is more important than ever for you and your loved ones.

I have 2 exercises to help you to break the cycle of fear and this will allow you to reverse the negative physical, chemical and mental/emotional effects it may have had on you up to this point.

1. Change your breathing pattern. Simple, easy, and very effective. When you notice fear arising, breathe in and out your NOSE, slowly. It doesn’t have to be a deep breath. NOSE/NOSE, slow and shallow. When you really have it, it will look like you are not breathing at all.

Gradually make it a habit to breath this way as a baseline. If you are really good you will even breathe like this while you sleep.

2. Bring some certainty into your life. There is going to be uncertainty, that is a given. What can you do that you know will help you regardless of the circumstance.

Because this is being called a health crisis, why not create some extra certainty around your health? Choose some things to do that will make your healthier.

Some ideas are, daily exercise, eating healthy, meditation, sauna, fresh air, etc.

Start with one action and go from there.

As always, if you have questions I am here to help.

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